Sunday, October 11, 2015

Developer’s Guide to Windows 10

Windows 10 is here! Windows 10 represents a drastic shift in approach to operating systems... one that makes developer's lives radically more easy.

The biggest thing Microsoft's done here is made it easier than ever for developers to build outstanding end user experiences tailored to a wide array of device types, from the smallest, wildly affordable, memory constrained Lumia phone to the new 84" Surface Hub, and beyond to compelling new experiences like Microsoft HoloLens.

Given that the Windows OS is currently run by over a billion users today, and Microsoft's committed to Windows 10 being on a billion devices in the next 2-3 years, this presents an enormous opportunity for developers to more easily reach larger audiences with outstanding experiences with less work than ever before.

Join developer experts Andy Wigley and Shen Chauhan as they give you a live, two day whirl-wind tour of the Windows 10 developer platform. Andy and Shen will give you detail on everything you need to know in order to build compelling application experiences on Windows 10. You'll leave fully prepared to build an outstanding app on Windows 10.

Visit: Developer’s Guide to Windows 10

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